Eva Knopp

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eva Knopp plays a role.


Andreou, Maria, Eva Knopp, Christiane Bongartz and Ianthi Maria Tsimpli 2015 Character reference in Greek-German bilingual children’s narrativesEUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 15 (2015), Roberts, Leah, Kevin McManus, Norbert Vanek and Danijela Trenkic (eds.), pp. 1–40 | Article
This study investigates reference management of two groups of 8–12 year old Greek–German bilinguals, resident in Greece (Bilinguals_GR N = 38) and in Germany (Bilinguals_GE N = 39). We analyze the bilinguals’ retellings in each language and compare them with data from two monolingual control groups… read more