Manuela Maria Wagner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Manuela Maria Wagner plays a role.


Prosody and Humor

Edited by Salvatore Attardo, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi

[Benjamins Current Topics, 55] 2013. v, 192 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Humor studies | Phonology | Pragmatics

Prosody and Humor

Edited by Salvatore Attardo, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi

Special issue of Pragmatics & Cognition 19:2 (2011) vi, 194 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive psychology | Discourse studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics
Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi 2013 Introduction: Prosody and humorProsody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Article
Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo and Manuela Maria Wagner 2013 Prosody of humor in Sex and the CityProsody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.), pp. 167–188 | Article
This chapter investigates the role of prosody in conversational humor in the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) in an exploratory study. Specifically, we examine how pitch and pauses are part of the prosodic bundle that can be used to mark an utterance as humoristic. We find that the use of… read more
Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi 2011 Prosody and humorProsody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner and Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.), pp. 189–201 | Article
Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo and Manuela Maria Wagner 2011 Prosody of humor in Sex and the CityPragmatics & Cognition 19:3, pp. 507–529 | Article
This article investigates the role of prosody in conversational humor in the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) in an exploratory study. Specifically, we examine how pitch and pauses are part of the prosodic bundle that can be used to mark an utterance as humoristic. We find that the use of… read more