Jan de Ruiter

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jan de Ruiter plays a role.


Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication

Edited by Ipke Wachsmuth, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks and Stefan Kopp

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 6] 2013. viii, 231 pp.
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognitive psychology | Communication Studies | Philosophy | Psycholinguistics | Sociology


Ruiter, Jan de 2013 Methodological paradigms 
in interaction researchAlignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication, Wachsmuth, Ipke, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks and Stefan Kopp (eds.), pp. 11–32 | Article
Interaction researchers often tend to identify themselves and others with the methods they are using, rather than with the topic they are studying. I survey a number of commonly used research methods in human interaction research, and indicate some of their strengths, weaknesses, and relative… read more
Wachsmuth, Ipke, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks and Stefan Kopp 2013 Introduction: Why a new theory of communication?Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication, Wachsmuth, Ipke, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks and Stefan Kopp (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
Alignment in Communication is the theme of a novel direction in communication research, which focuses on interactive adaptation processes assumed to be more or less automatic in humans. Originating from an international workshop organized at Bielefeld’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),… read more