In this paper, we lay the groundwork for an explanation of the language mixing outcomes witnessed in the grammar of contemporary Dakkhini, which is the result of long-term diachronic contact between Hindi/Urdu and Telugu. We argue that an Exoskeletal Frame Model is well suited to account both for… read more
I argue in this article that agreement is not an essential ingredient of T/finiteness. Using the mechanism of valuation of unvalued features, I argue that unvalued agreement features in T only exist if there is visible subject – verb agreement in the language/dialect. Correspondingly, I argue that… read more
English roots/stems that are nonce borrowed into American Norwegian regularly show Norwegian tense inflection. In this article, I use data of such hybrid verb forms as a starting-point for an investigation of the general theoretical analysis of the morpho-syntactic relation between a verbal stem… read more
Mainstream core grammar theory, still to some extent relying on the idealized speaker in a homogeneous speech community, is ill equipped to handle different kinds of periphery data, like code-switching data and other types of language mixing data. In this paper, we defend a model of grammar that we… read more
This paper investigates the systematic alternations between accusative and dative case that is found with spatial prepositions in Norwegian dative dialects. This case alternation is correlated with directional and locative interpretations respectively, and is a phenomenon well known from other… read more
I argue that the mainstream view of the lexicon-syntax interface whereby a verb’s lexically specifi ed argument structure is projected as syntactic structure is wrong. Instead, I argue for the neo-constructionist view that what we perceive as the argument structure of the verb is really determined… read more
This paper argues that argument structure does not exist in the sense of a lexical specification of the number and types of arguments of a given verb, but, rather, that argument structure is essentially syntactic, stemming from an interaction between independently generated (syntactic) frames and… read more