Luca Onnis

List of John Benjamins publications for which Luca Onnis plays a role.


How parents talk to young children matters to language and cognitive development. In the early years the quantity, quality, and diversity inherent in language from parents in the home predict differences in vocabulary knowledge, school readiness, and later academic achievement. However, most of… read more
Onnis, Luca, Arnaud Destrebecqz, Morten H. Christiansen, Nick Chater and Axel Cleeremans 2015 Implicit learning of non-adjacent dependencies: A graded, associative accountImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 213–246 | Article
Language and other higher-cognitive functions require structured sequential behavior including non-adjacent relations. A fundamental question in cognitive science is what computational machinery can support both the learning and representation of such non-adjacencies, and what properties of the… read more