Saule Tazhibayeva
List of John Benjamins publications for which Saule Tazhibayeva plays a role.
Numeral classifiers in Kazakh Classifiers, Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. (ed.), pp. 300–330 | Article
2022 Many languages distinguish numeral classifiers in their grammar systems categorizing nominals in terms of their inherent nature, such as animacy, shape, form, and arrangement. Kazakh, a Turkic language of Central Asia, distinguishes numeral classifiers, which are used in numeral classifier… read more
Superlative readings of possessive constructions in Turkic: A comparative perspective Possession in Languages of Europe and North and Central Asia, Johanson, Lars, Lidia Federica Mazzitelli and Irina Nevskaya (eds.), pp. 205–238 | Chapter
2019 The article describes the superlative, hyperlative and elative use of formally possessive constructions in a number of Turkic languages from a comparative perspective, analyzing their structural and semantic types and pragmatic properties. Similar possessive superlative constructions are found all… read more