Urtzi Etxeberria

List of John Benjamins publications for which Urtzi Etxeberria plays a role.


Noun Phrases and Nominalization in Basque: Syntax and semantics

Edited by Urtzi Etxeberria, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 187] 2012. vii, 466 pp.
Subjects Basque linguistics | Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Etxeberria, Urtzi 2016 Nominals in Basque and their existential interpretationMicroparameters in the Grammar of Basque, Fernández, Beatriz and Jon Ortiz de Urbina (eds.), pp. 195–218 | Article
Assuming that Souletin, the Basque dialect from Zuberoa, is a previous stage compared to Standard Basque (cf. Michelena 1964, Camino 2015; cf. also Manterola 2012, 2015), this paper tries to explain how Basque historically moves from a situation where bare nouns are allowed (Souletin dialect) to a… read more
Etxeberria, Urtzi 2014 Basque nominals: from a system with bare nouns to a system withoutWeak Referentiality, Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (eds.), pp. 335–364 | Article
The first aim of this paper is to make a thorough description of the use of nominals as well as of the use of the definite determiner in both Souletin (the most eastern dialect of Basque) and Standard Basque (plus the rest of Basque dialects). Then, assuming that Souletin is a previous stage of… read more
Etxeberria, Urtzi 2012 The way the definite determiner affects quantifiers in Basque (and beyond)Noun Phrases and Nominalization in Basque: Syntax and semantics, Etxeberria, Urtzi, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 79–110 | Article
Based on Basque data (and in line with Etxeberria & Giannakidou 2010, to appear), this paper argues that the domain for quantifiers in certain languages is restricted overtly by a definite determiner (D). This strategy of domain restriction via D–DDR – happens by applying DDR to the nominal… read more
Etxeberria, Urtzi and Ricardo Etxepare 2012 Number agreement in Basque: Counting vs. MeasuringNoun Phrases and Nominalization in Basque: Syntax and semantics, Etxeberria, Urtzi, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 149–178 | Article
This paper argues that Basque non-agreeing quantifiers are conceptually measures and that measures head their own functional projection in the expanded structure of the Noun Phrase. This functional projection is placed in-between the Classifier Phrase (where division occurs) and the Number Phrase… read more
Etxeberria, Urtzi, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria 2012 IntroductionNoun Phrases and Nominalization in Basque: Syntax and semantics, Etxeberria, Urtzi, Ricardo Etxepare and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Etxeberria, Urtzi 2005 Contextual Restriction and Quantification in BasqueBare Plurals, Indefinites, and Weak–Strong Distinction, Vogeleer, Svetlana (ed.), pp. 211–245 | Article
This paper proposes, in line with Giannakidou (2004), a novel compositional analysis of Basque strong quantifiers and provides further support for the conclusion that the standard analysis of Generalized Quantifiers need not be revised (pace Matthewson 2001). The Basque quantificational data… read more