Christopher Laenzlinger
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher Laenzlinger plays a role.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Romance linguistics
Laenzlinger, Christopher 2015
Comparative adverb syntax: A cartographic approach Adverbs: Functional and diachronic aspects, Pittner, Karin, Daniela Elsner and Fabian Barteld (eds.), pp. 207–238 | Article
In this paper I investigate the neutral structure of the Mittelfeld in Germanic (mainly German) and Romance (mainly French) languages following the cartographic approach (Cinque 1999, 2005, 2010; Kayne 1994, 2005; Cinque & Rizzi 2008; Laenzlinger 2011). Given the full VP-evacuation condition… read more
Laenzlinger, Christopher 2004
A feature-based theory of adverb syntax Adverbials: The interplay between meaning, context, and syntactic structure, Austin, Jennifer R., Stefan Engelberg and Gisa Rauh (eds.), pp. 205–252 | Article