Mika Lähteenmäki
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mika Lähteenmäki plays a role.
Contextualising Baxtin’s Linguistic Ideas: The case of metalinguistics Historiographia Linguistica 39:2/3, pp. 305–326 | Article
2012 This article discusses the origins and formation of the notion of ‘metalinguistics’ in Mixail Mixajlovič Baxtin’s (1895–1975) writings. It is argued that the discussion of metalinguistics and the division of labour within the study of language in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s may have… read more
Vološinov and Cassirer: A case of plagiarism? Historiographia Linguistica 29:1/2, pp. 121–144 | Article
2002 Recently, it has been suggested that Valentin Vološinov (1895–1936) plagiarised Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945). This claim is to be seen as grossly overstated, although Vološinov obviously benefited from Cassirer’s work on language. This article compares Vološinov’s and Cassirer’s concepts of the… read more
But who killed Harry? A dialogical approach to language and consciousness On Language and Consciousness, Jackendoff, Ray and Wallace Chafe, pp. 105–123 | Discussion