Thea Cameron-Faulkner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Thea Cameron-Faulkner plays a role.


Cameron-Faulkner, Thea 2020 The emergence of gesture during prelinguistic interactionCurrent Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: How children use their environment to learn, Rowland, Caroline F., Anna L. Theakston, Ben Ambridge and Katherine E. Twomey (eds.), pp. 173–187 | Chapter
The emergence of intentional prelinguistic communication demonstrates in the most basic terms, the essence of language and the dynamic nature of communicative development. The chapter provides an overview of prelinguistic development from a dynamic perspective, beginning with a discussion of… read more
Cameron-Faulkner, Thea 2014 The development of speech actsPragmatic Development in First Language Acquisition, Matthews, Danielle (ed.), pp. 37–52 | Article
Children, like adults, use language to get things done. However, gaining an accurate picture of children’s development of communicative intent is challenging. While the behaviours used by children to express intent are external and thus to some degree measurable, the underlying psychological… read more