Erik W. Hansen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Erik W. Hansen plays a role.


ISSN 0108-8416 | E-ISSN 2212-9715

Early Germanic Languages in Contact

Edited by John Ole Askedal and Hans Frede Nielsen †

[NOWELE Supplement Series, 27] 2015. x, 304 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Unity and Diversity in West Germanic, III

Edited by Hans Frede Nielsen † and Patrick V. Stiles

Special issue of NOWELE 67:1 (2014) v, 129 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Unity and Diversity in West Germanic, I

Edited by Hans Frede Nielsen † and Patrick V. Stiles

Special issue of NOWELE 66:1 (2013) v, 128 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Unity and Diversity in West Germanic, II

Edited by Hans Frede Nielsen † and Patrick V. Stiles

Special issue of NOWELE 66:2 (2013) v, 126 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

NOWELE Volume 58/59 (June 2010): The Gothic Language

Edited by Hans Frede Nielsen † and Flemming Talbo Stubkjær

Special issue of NOWELE 58/59 (2010) 459 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

Irregularities in Modern English: Second edition revised by Erik Hansen

Hans Frede Nielsen † and Erik W. Hansen

[NOWELE Supplement Series, 2] 2007. xii, 382 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics

NOWELE Volume 28/29 (August 1996): A Frisian and Germanic Miscellany

Edited by Adeline Petersen and Hans Frede Nielsen †

Special issue of NOWELE 28/29 (1996) xlii, 597 pp.
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Hansen, Erik W. and Hans Frede Nielsen † 2017 The autonomy of historical linguistics: The autonomy of historical linguisticsNOWELE 70:2, pp. 267–274 | Editorial
Hansen, Erik W. and Hans Frede Nielsen † 2013 IntroductionUnity and Diversity in West Germanic, I, Nielsen, Hans Frede † and Patrick V. Stiles (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article