Tim Thornes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tim Thornes plays a role.


Functional-Historical Approaches to Explanation: In honor of Scott DeLancey

Edited by Tim Thornes, Erik Andvik, Gwendolyn Hyslop and Joana Jansen

[Typological Studies in Language, 103] 2013. xviii, 294 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Typology


Thornes, Tim 2013 Causation as “functional sink” in Northern PaiuteFunctional-Historical Approaches to Explanation: In honor of Scott DeLancey, Thornes, Tim, Erik Andvik, Gwendolyn Hyslop and Joana Jansen (eds.), pp. 237–258 | Article
Two morphological constructions operate within the broad, functional domain of causation in Northern Paiute (Numic; Uto-Aztecan). One, the instrumental prefix construction, indicates the means or manner by which some action is carried out by characterizing features associated with instruments.… read more
The present paper explores the grammatical formation and synchronic variation of relative clauses in the Northern Paiute (Western Numic; Uto-Aztecan) language, as determined by their functional and grammatical connections to nominalization. We find support for several hypotheses from the literature… read more