Alessio S. Frenda

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alessio S. Frenda plays a role.


The comparison of two corpora of spoken Irish – one representative of a traditional variety as spoken in 1964, the other of the language spoken today on Irish-language media – reveals a number of differences in the way gender agreement is marked on different agreement targets. The difference is… read more
In the Romance context, Sicilian rather unusually allows finite verbs to be governed by a preposition within a subordinate phrasal constituent expressing purpose. In other Romance languages, the verb slotted in this context is normally an infinitive. Sicilian also has the corresponding infinitive… read more
Frenda, Alessio S. 2015 The fare causative derivation in Italian: A reviewCausation, Permission, and Transfer: Argument realisation in GET, TAKE, PUT, GIVE and LET verbs, Nolan, Brian, Gudrun Rawoens and Elke Diedrichsen (eds.), pp. 425–461 | Article
Much of the literature on Italian causatives is concerned with the syntactic status of the constructions, their derivation from a Deeper Structure, and the lexical status of the causative verb employed. I will review a selection of such claims, pointing out that some of these claims may not in fact… read more