Yi Li
List of John Benjamins publications for which Yi Li plays a role.
Institutional language as power in contemporary China: Interaction between officials and visitors in government service offices Discourse and Socio-political Transformations in Contemporary China, Chilton, Paul, Hailong Tian and Ruth Wodak (eds.), pp. 39–56 | Article
2012 Against the backdrop of an increasingly divided society and the government’s determined pledge to build social cohesion in China, this chapter examines how social institutions, through their discursive practices, participate in the construction of the still evolving social relations in contemporary… read more
Institutional language as power in contemporary China: Interaction between officials and visitors in government service offices Discourse and Socio-Political Transformations in Contemporary China, Chilton, Paul, Hailong Tian and Ruth Wodak (eds.), pp. 528–545 | Article
2010 Against the backdrop of an increasingly divided society and the government’s determined pledge to build social cohesion in China, this paper examines how social institutions, through their discursive practices, participate in the construction of the still evolving social relations in contemporary… read more