Cecelia Cutler
List of John Benjamins publications for which Cecelia Cutler plays a role.
ISSN 2950-578X | E-ISSN 2950-5798
Language Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas: In honor of John V. Singler
Edited by Cecelia Cutler, Zvjezdana Vrzić and Philipp Angermeyer
[Creole Language Library, 53] 2017. vii, 369 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Introduction Language Contact in Africa and the African Diaspora in the Americas: In honor of John V. Singler, Cutler, Cecelia, Zvjezdana Vrzić and Philipp Angermeyer (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Chapter
2017 The co-construction of whiteness in an MC battle A closer look at cultural difference: 'Interculturality' in talk-in-interaction, Higgins, Christina (ed.), pp. 9–22 | Article
2007 Within hip-hop, MC (Master of Cermonies) battles are one of the most visible and potentially humiliating venues for demonstrating one’s verbal skill. Competitors face each other in front of an audience. Each has a minute to “diss” his or her opponent against a backdrop of rhythms produced by a DJ.… read more
English in the Turks and Caicos Islands: A look at Grand Turk Contact Englishes of the Eastern Caribbean, Aceto, Michael and Jeffrey P. Williams (eds.), pp. 51–80 | Article