Alazne Landa

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alazne Landa plays a role.


Grammatical Analyses in Basque and Romance Linguistics: Papers in honor of Mario Saltarelli

Edited by Jon A. Franco, Alazne Landa and Juan Martín

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 187] 1999. viii, 306 pp.
Subjects Basque linguistics | Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics


Franco, Jon A. and Alazne Landa 2003 

Null objects revisited

A Romance Perspective on Language Knowledge and Use: Selected papers from the 31st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Chicago, 19–22 April 2001, Núñez-Cedeño, Rafael, Luis López and Richard Cameron (eds.), pp. 311–326 | Article