John N. Williams

List of John Benjamins publications for which John N. Williams plays a role.

Hodzik, Ena and John N. Williams 2017 Predictive processes during simultaneous interpreting from German into EnglishInterpreting 19:1, pp. 1–20 | Article
We report a study on prediction in shadowing and simultaneous interpreting (SI), both considered as forms of real-time, ‘online’ spoken language processing. The study comprised two experiments, focusing on: (i) shadowing of German head-final sentences by 20 advanced students of German, all native… read more
Paciorek, Albertyna and John N. Williams 2015 Semantic implicit learningImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 69–90 | Article
Much previous research on implicit learning has examined form-based sequential regularities over letters and syllables. Recently, however, researchers have begun to examine implicit learning of systems in which the regularities are described at the level of meaning. We review existing work in this… read more
Williams, John N. and Amanda Cheung 2011 Chapter 4. Using priming to explore early word learningApplying priming methods to L2 learning, teaching and research: Insights from Psycholinguistics, Trofimovich, Pavel and Kim McDonough (eds.), pp. 73–103 | Article
Current views of vocabulary learning imply that second language (L2) words initially inherit the meaning of their first language (L1) translation equivalents. We describe a series of experiments that test this idea by examining semantic priming from newly learned words. The aspects of meaning that… read more
Williams, John N. 2003 7. Inducing abstract linguistic representations: Human and connectionist learning of noun classesThe Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition, Hout, Roeland van, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell (eds.), pp. 151–174 | Chapter