Christer Lindqvist
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christer Lindqvist plays a role.
Book series
Untersuchungen zu den Gründungsdokumenten der färöischen Rechtschreibung: Ein Beitrag zur nordischen Schriftgeschichte
Christer Lindqvist
[NOWELE Supplement Series, 29] 2018. xx, 312 pp. (incl. CD-Rom)
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics | Writing and literacy
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Turmbau auf Färöisch: Sprachverwirrung in Rasmus Rasmussens Roman Bábelstornið Germanic Interrelations: Studies in memory of Hans Frede Nielsen, Laker, Stephen, Carla Falluomini, Steffen Krogh, Robert Nedoma and Michael Schulte (eds.), pp. 222–246 | Chapter
2025 Published in 1908/09, Rasmus Rasmussen’s Bábelstornið was the first novel in Faroese. The naturalistic work narrates the fate of two families in the period from 1815 to 1908, including their connections with the Faroese independence movement. The novel exhibits a number of features typical of… read more