Svend Erik Larsen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Svend Erik Larsen plays a role.

Book series


Subjects Comparative literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies
James, Simon J. and Svend Erik Larsen 2022 Chapter 2. Referential pathways: Objects and bodiesLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 309–484 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik 2022 Chapter 1. Psychological pathways: Emotion and memoryLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 35–307 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik 2022 “Distance avails not”: Representing the modern massesLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 423–447 | To be specified
Around 1850 the major cities in Europe approached the one-million mark. With the influx of people of all kinds, a new urban mass emerged that seemed quite distinct from the well-defined social classes of citizens from top to bottom of society. From that point the urban environment, its objects… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik 2022 Caricature and realismLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 385–403 | To be specified
The two dynamic centers of caricature in the nineteenth century were England and France. Here, censorship was flexible enough to create a space for public satire targeting both the new and old social classes and types in the emergent modern society. The satirists mock the elite holding the… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik and Margaret R. Higonnet 2022 Dialogic encountersLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 751–882 | To be specified
This core essay directly tackles the dissemination and migration of realist practices beyond the boundaries of Europe (and back), along pathways that are not just linear but rather radiate in many directions and foster circulation and dialogue. The traveling practices are carried by migratory… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik and Margaret R. Higonnet 2022 Chapter 4. Geographical pathways: Worlding realismLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 747–1007 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik and Patrizia Lombardo 2022 “Memories inwrought with affection”: Emotion and memory in realismLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 39–174 | To be specified
With the development of the secular urbanized and industrialized society from the mid-eighteenth century, traditional ways of life lost authority and opened for new approaches to the past, and in the same period emotions began to be seen as a fundamental and universal core of humanity.… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet 2022 IntroductionLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Larsen, Svend Erik, Steen Bille Jørgensen and Margaret R. Higonnet (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
Pathways through realism, the second of the two volumes within the Landscapes of realism project, is the most recent addition to the series A comparative history of literatures in European languages. The Introduction to Volume I, Mapping realism, also serves as a general introduction to the… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik 2021 Mobile spaces: The impact of traveling in realismLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Göttsche, Dirk, Rosa Mucignat and Robert Weninger (eds.), pp. 337–356 | To be specified
During the nineteenth century more of the world came to Europe than before, and a growing number of Europeans ventured to places other than their own, also beyond European borders. The general mobility of places and people quickened and did so because of new technologies that expanded transport,… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik and Rosa Mucignat 2021 Fleeting moments and unstable spaces: Explorations of time and space in realismLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Göttsche, Dirk, Rosa Mucignat and Robert Weninger (eds.), pp. 247–320 | To be specified
From the end of the eighteenth and through the nineteenth century science, philosophy and socio-political changes spawned fundamental reconfigurations of the Western experience and understanding of spatio-temporality. Challenging writers to radically reconceptualize their understanding of time… read more
Larsen, Svend Erik and Rosa Mucignat 2021 Chapter 3. Time and spaceLandscapes of Realism: Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives, Göttsche, Dirk, Rosa Mucignat and Robert Weninger (eds.), pp. 245–413 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik 2017 Myth and meaning of foreign lightscapes in Nordic literatures 2: The geographic elsewhereNordic Literature: A comparative history, Sondrup, Steven P., Mark B. Sandberg, Thomas A. DuBois and Dan Ringgaard (eds.), pp. 314–337 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik 2017 Myth and meaning of foreign lightscapes in Nordic literatures 1: The imaginary elsewhereNordic Literature: A comparative history, Sondrup, Steven P., Mark B. Sandberg, Thomas A. DuBois and Dan Ringgaard (eds.), pp. 291–313 | Chapter
Larsen, Svend Erik 1994 Representation and IntersemiosisPeirce and Value Theory: On Peircian ethics and aesthetics, Parret, Herman (ed.), pp. 255 ff. | Article