Ryosuke Takahashi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ryosuke Takahashi plays a role.


Matsumoto, Yo, Kimi Akita, Anna Bordilovskaya, Kiyoko Eguchi, Hiroaki Koga, Miho Mano, Ikuko Matsuse, Takahiro Morita, Naonori Nagaya, Kiyoko Takahashi, Ryosuke Takahashi and Yuko Yoshinari 2022 Chapter 3. Linguistic representations of visual motion: A crosslinguistic experimental studyNeglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, Laure and Benjamin Fagard (eds.), pp. 43–67 | Chapter
Linguistic expressions of visual motion (e.g., look into the building) in ten languages are compared, based on a crosslinguistic production experiment. We examine how linguistic representations of visual motion are typologically akin to those of self- and caused motion events. The results… read more