Javier Morras
List of John Benjamins publications for which Javier Morras plays a role.
Unweaving the embodied nature of English temporal prepositions: The case of at Cognitive Linguistic Studies 8:1, pp. 60–84 | Article
2021 The metaphor time is space (Lakoff & Johnson 1999) and the pervasiveness of metaphor and image-schematic structure in human conceptualization (Johnson 1987; Hampe 2005) have been widely accepted among cognitive scientists as constructs that help explain non-spatial and temporal linguistic… read more
Conceptual structuring of the English prepositions between, among, and amid, and their Spanish equivalent entre: A cognitive linguistic approach to spatial, non-spatial and temporal scenes Cognitive Linguistic Studies 6:1, pp. 103–129 | Article
2019 Spatial language has been traditionally understood as encoding purely spatio-geometric information. However, much more than that must be considered for a full account of the semantics of space. It turns out that spatial arrangements manifest functional consequences which are non-spatial, so… read more