George Starostin

List of John Benjamins publications for which George Starostin plays a role.


Relationships between universally recognized language families represent a hotly debated topic in historical linguistics, and the same is true for correlation between signals of genetic and linguistic relatedness. We developed a weighted permutation test which represents the classical… read more
Starostin, George 2017 Chapter 9. Macrofamilies and agricultural lexicon: Problems and perspectivesLanguage Dispersal Beyond Farming, Robbeets, Martine and Alexander Savelyev (eds.), pp. 215–233 | Chapter
It is more or less self-evident that the origins of agriculture cannot be directly associated with the ancestral speakers of any of the commonly accepted, non-controversial language families such as Indo-European, Semitic, Dravidian, etc., since these origins go much deeper back in time than any… read more