Malgorzata Krzek

List of John Benjamins publications for which Malgorzata Krzek plays a role.


Krzek, Malgorzata 2014 The structure of null subject DPs and agreement in Polish impersonal constructionsAdvances in the Syntax of DPs: Structure, agreement, and case, Bondaruk, Anna, Gréte Dalmi and Alexander Grosu (eds.), pp. 129–163 | Article
This paper is concerned with the function of the SIĘ particle in the impersonal construction and with the internal structure of impersonal pronouns in Polish. It is proposed that SIĘ is a functional element heading its own projection, dubbed SIĘP, taking pro as its complement. This makes the… read more
Krzek, Malgorzata 2013 Interpretation and voice in Polish SIĘ and –NO/–TO constructionsCurrent Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Kor Chahine, Irina (ed.), pp. 185–198 | Article
This paper discusses various properties of two Polish impersonal constructions with a particular focus on the function of the –NO/–TO suffix and the SIĘ particle. Following Fassi-Fehri (2009), it is assumed that the –NO/–TO suffix is best analysed as a head of VoiceP located between TP and vP. A… read more