Francisco Moreno-Fernández

List of John Benjamins publications for which Francisco Moreno-Fernández plays a role.



Corpus-Based Approaches to Sentence Structures

Edited by Toshihiro Takagaki, Susumu Zaima, Yoichiro Tsuruga, Francisco Moreno-Fernández and Yuji Kawaguchi

[Usage-Based Linguistic Informatics, 2] 2005. vi, 317 pp.
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco 2024 Chapter 1. Cognitive attributes of preclassical phonologyThe Continuity of Linguistic Change: Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda, Vida-Castro, Matilde and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz (eds.), pp. 15–35 | Chapter
Cognitive phonology, as a development of cognitive linguistics, is one of the most interesting fields of research in the twenty-first century. It is often opposed to so-called “classical phonology”, since the latter mainly builds on structuralist foundations. This chapter considers the proposals… read more
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco 2007 3. Anglicismos en el léxico disponible de los adolescentes hispanos de ChicagoSpanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries, Potowski, Kim and Richard Cameron (eds.), pp. 41–58 | Article
The degree of English present in the available lexicon of adolescent first and second generation Hispanics in Chicago is analyzed. Available lexicon is defined as (1) the sum of words that speakers have in their mental systems and (2) whose use is conditioned by a particular topic. Given the… read more
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco 2005 Corpora of Spoken Spanish Language: The Representativeness IssueLinguistic Informatics – State of the Art and the Future: The first international conference on Linguistic Informatics, Kawaguchi, Yuji, Susumu Zaima, Toshihiro Takagaki, Kohji Shibano and Mayumi Usami (eds.), pp. 120–144 | Article
Moreno-Fernández, Francisco 2005 Project for the Sociolinguistic Study of Spanish from Spain and America (PRESEEA): A Corpus with a Grammar and Discourse BiasCorpus-Based Approaches to Sentence Structures, Takagaki, Toshihiro, Susumu Zaima, Yoichiro Tsuruga, Francisco Moreno-Fernández and Yuji Kawaguchi (eds.), pp. 265–288 | Article
Moreno Fernández, Juliana and Francisco Moreno-Fernández 2002 Madrid Perceptions of Regional Varieties in SpainHandbook of Perceptual Dialectology: Volume 2, Long, Daniel and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. 295–320 | Chapter