Justin Nuger

List of John Benjamins publications for which Justin Nuger plays a role.


Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax

Edited by Artemis Alexiadou, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 141] 2009. xv, 395 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics


Nuger, Justin 2010 Discontiguous reduplication in a local variety of MalayAustronesian and Theoretical Linguistics, Mercado, Raphael, Eric Potsdam and Lisa deMena Travis (eds.), pp. 45–64 | Article
Discontiguous partial reduplication patterns, in which a string of segments in the reduplicant corresponds with a discontiguous string of segments in the base, have been observed in various languages in the Austronesian and Austro-Asiatic families. Several such patterns show a preference for the… read more
Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer 2009 Advances in Comparative Germanic SyntaxAdvances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger and Florian Schäfer (eds.), pp. vii–xvi | Article