Stuart Webb

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stuart Webb plays a role.



Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism
This study investigated the extent to which two recall test formats – contextualized and decontextualized tests – affected productive recall of derivatives, and how the effects of token frequencies of derivatives and L2 receptive vocabulary knowledge on recalling derivatives was moderated by… read more
Iwaizumi, Emi and Stuart Webb 2022 Chapter 8. Vocabulary: A guide to researching instructed second language vocabulary acquisitionInstructed Second Language Acquisition Research Methods, Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura and YouJin Kim (eds.), pp. 181–206 | Chapter
Acquiring vocabulary knowledge is a vital part of L2 learning because vocabulary plays a significant role in every mode of communication (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). For learners to become independent users of a L2, they must know many thousands of words and learn how to use them… read more
The study investigates derivational knowledge of second language (L2) learners as a function of four variables: learner proficiency, word family frequency, derived word frequency, and affix type as suggested by two affix difficulty hierarchies. Seventy-nine EFL learners at two proficiency levels… read more
Rodgers, Michael P.H. and Stuart Webb 2020 Incidental vocabulary learning through viewing televisionITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 171:2, pp. 191–220 | Article
Previous research investigating L2 incidental vocabulary learning from video has primarily focused on short videos from genres that may be conducive to vocabulary learning. The research provides evidence that L2 incidental vocabulary learning can occur through video. However, it is uncertain… read more
Sasao, Yosuke and Stuart Webb 2020 The guessing from context testApproaches to Learning, Testing and Researching L2 Vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 117–142 | Chapter
This study aims to develop two equivalent forms of the Guessing from Context Test (GCT) and provide its preliminary validity evidence. The GCT is a diagnostic test of the guessing skill and measures the following three important steps in guessing: identifying the part of speech of an unknown… read more
Webb, Stuart 2020 Guest editorialApproaches to Learning, Testing and Researching L2 Vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 1–4 | Introduction
Webb, Stuart and Anna Piasecki 2020 Re-examining the effects of word writing on vocabulary learningApproaches to Learning, Testing and Researching L2 Vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 73–94 | Chapter
This study investigated the effects of word writing on vocabulary learning by comparing three conditions in which there was (a) limited time to write words, (b) unlimited time to write words, and (c) a non-writing word-picture pairs comparison. Non-native speakers studying English as a second… read more
Appel, Randy, Pavel Trofimovich, Kazuya Saito, Talia Isaacs and Stuart Webb 2019 Lexical aspects of comprehensibility and nativeness from the perspective of native-speaking English ratersITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 170:1, pp. 24–52 | Article
This study analyzed the contribution of lexical factors to native-speaking raters’ assessments of comprehensibility and nativeness in second language (L2) speech. Using transcribed samples to reduce non-lexical sources of bias, 10 naïve L1 English raters evaluated speech samples from 97 L2… read more
Sasao, Yosuke and Stuart Webb 2018 The guessing from context testApproaches to learning, testing, and researching L2 vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 115–141 | Article
This study aims to develop two equivalent forms of the Guessing from Context Test (GCT) and provide its preliminary validity evidence. The GCT is a diagnostic test of the guessing skill and measures the following three important steps in guessing: identifying the part of speech of an unknown… read more
Webb, Stuart 2018 Guest editorialApproaches to learning, testing, and researching L2 vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 1–4 | Introduction
Webb, Stuart and Anna Piasecki 2018 Re-examining the effects of word writing on vocabulary learningApproaches to learning, testing, and researching L2 vocabulary, Webb, Stuart (ed.), pp. 72–94 | Article
This study investigated the effects of word writing on vocabulary learning by comparing three conditions in which there was (a) limited time to write words, (b) unlimited time to write words, and (c) a non-writing word-picture pairs comparison. Non-native speakers studying English as a second… read more
The Vocabulary Levels Test (Nation, 1983; Schmitt, Schmitt, & Clapham, 2001) indicates the word frequency level that should be used to select words for learning. The present study involves the development and validation of two new forms of the test. The new forms consist of five levels measuring… read more
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen and Stuart Webb 2016 Evaluating lists of high-frequency wordsITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 167:2, pp. 132–158 | Article
This study compared the lexical coverage provided by four wordlists [West’s (1953) General Service List (GSL), Nation’s (2006) most frequent 2,000 British National Corpus word families (BNC2000), Nation’s (2012) most frequent 2,000 British National Corpus and Corpus of Contemporary… read more
Dang, Thi Ngoc Yen and Stuart Webb 2016 Chapter 15: Making an essential word list for beginnersMaking and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing, Nation, I.S.P., pp. 153–167 | Chapter
In this corpus driven study, the scripts of 143 movies consisting of 1,267,236 running words were analyzed using the RANGE program (Heatley et al. 2002) to determine the number of encounters with low frequency words. Low frequency words were operationalized as items from Nation’s (2004) 4th to 14th… read more