Rafael Roca

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rafael Roca plays a role.

The context in which the manuscript of the medieval novel Curial e Güelfa was discovered in the second half of the 19th century, together with the fact that Manuel Milà i Fontanals did not encourage the dissemination of this finding, created some doubt about the circumstances surrounding the… read more
The diary titled Coses evengudes en la ciutat y regne de València, which was written by Monsignor Pere Joan Porcar between 1585 and 1629, is one of the literary testimonies of the Valencian Baroque that has aroused major interest among scholars. However, it has never been analyzed from a gender… read more
Pérez-Saldanya, Manuel and Rafael Roca 2018 IntroduccióDel manuscrit a la paraula digital / From Manuscript to Digital Word: Estudis de llengua i literatura catalanes / Studies of Catalan language and literature, Pérez-Saldanya, Manuel and Rafael Roca Ricart (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Introduction
Pérez-Saldanya, Manuel and Rafael Roca 2018 ForewordDel manuscrit a la paraula digital / From Manuscript to Digital Word: Estudis de llengua i literatura catalanes / Studies of Catalan language and literature, Pérez-Saldanya, Manuel and Rafael Roca Ricart (eds.), pp. 5–8 | Foreword