Hongyong Liu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hongyong Liu plays a role.


Bu, Weimei and Hongyong Liu 2024 臘羅彝語的度量短語 [Measure phrases in Lalo Yi]Language and Linguistics 25:3, pp. 351–369 | Article
臘羅彝語包含兩類不同的度量短語:出現在謂語動詞前的光桿度量短語以及出現在「度量短語+dɛ⁵⁵+名詞」結構中的度量短語。光杆度量短語語義上指向句中充當論元的光桿名詞,但句法上須先與謂語動詞組合,此類分裂式度量短語只具有單調性解讀。「度量短語+dɛ⁵⁵+名詞」結構具有歧義,既允許單調性解讀,也允許非單調性解讀,這兩種不同的語義解讀分別對應兩種不同的句法結構:準切分結構和定中結構。臘羅彝語度量短語的句法分佈進一步驗證了度量短語的單調性假設,具有重要的語言類型學價值。 read more
Li, Xiao and Hongyong Liu 2022 Dimensional adjectives in Nuosu YiAsian Languages and Linguistics 3:1, pp. 60–88 | Article
In this paper, we discuss two types of dimensional adjectives in Nuosu Yi (Tibeto-Burman), which we refer to as Positive adjectives (PAs) and Equative Adjectives (EAs). We show that PAs and EAs are subject to different distributions in gradation structures: EAs are only admissible in gradation… read more
Zhang, Qingwen, Zhenquan Cheng, Sze-Wing Tang and Hongyong Liu 2015 Indefinite article or numeral one? A Study of iʔ5 ‘one’ in ShiposhengInternational Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2:1, pp. 33–56 | Article
This paper investigates iʔ5 ‘one’ in Shiposheng, a vernacular dialect spoken in the north of Guangdong Province. Though iʔ5 in Shiposheng and yi ‘one’ in Mandarin share similar usages, they behave differently when cooccurring with the demonstrative, i.e., iʔ5 in Shiposheng cannot follow the… read more