Peter de Swart

List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter de Swart plays a role.


Case, Valency and Transitivity

Edited by Leonid Kulikov, Andrej L. Malchukov and Peter de Swart

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 77] 2006. xx, 503 pp.
Subjects Morphology | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Beljon, Maud, Dennis Joosen, Olaf Koeneman, Bram Ploum, Noëlle Sommer, Peter de Swart and Veerle Wilms 2021 The effect of filler complexity and context on the acceptability of wh -island violations in DutchLinguistics in the Netherlands 2021, Dingemanse, Mark, Eva van Lier and Jorrig Vogels (eds.), pp. 4–20 | Article
Acceptability judgements of syntactic island violations are often claimed to improve by either increasing the complexity of the wh-filler phrase or integrating the violating sentence into a discourse. In two acceptability judgement tasks, we looked at wh-island violations in Dutch by varying the… read more
Swart, Peter de and Geertje van Bergen 2014 Unscrambling the lexical nature of weak definitesWeak Referentiality, Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (eds.), pp. 287–310 | Article
We investigate how the lexical nature of weak definites influences the phenomenon of direct object scrambling in Dutch. Earlier experiments have indicated that weak definites are more resistant to scrambling than strong definites. We examine how the notion of weak definiteness used in this… read more
Eckhoff, Hanne Martine, Olga A. Thomason and Peter de Swart 2013 Mapping out the Source domain: Evidence from parallel Old Indo-European dataStudies in Language 37:2, pp. 302–355 | Article
This paper takes a strictly empirical approach to the encoding of spatial notions in the four ancient Indo-European languages Ancient Greek, Latin, Gothic and Old Church Slavonic. By generating semantic maps on the basis of parallel corpus data, without any semantic pre-analysis, we use methods… read more
Swart, Peter de 2011 Sense and simplicity: Bidirectionality in differential case markingBidirectional Optimality Theory, Benz, Anton and Jason Mattausch (eds.), pp. 125–150 | Article
I show that two different motivations drive the differential case marking of direct objects cross-linguistically. On the one hand, direct objects can be marked to signal their markedness with respect to certain semantic features (local distinguishability). Opposed to this we find systems where… read more
Lestrade, Sander and Peter de Swart 2010 Individuation and semantic role interpretation in the adpositional domainTransitivity: Form, Meaning, Acquisition, and Processing, Brandt, Patrick and Marco García García (eds.), pp. 279–300 | Article
In this chapter we discuss the role of Individuation on semantic role interpretation in the adpositional domain. Taking the findings of Aristar (1996, 1997) for the case domain as our starting point we examine whether similar observations can be made for the adpositional domain. On the basis of a… read more
Swart, Peter de 2006 Case markednessCase, Valency and Transitivity, Kulikov, Leonid, Andrej L. Malchukov and Peter de Swart (eds.), pp. 249–267 | Article
Swart, Peter de 2005 Cross-modularity in active to passive alternationsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2005, Doetjes, Jenny and Jeroen van de Weijer (eds.), pp. 191–202 | Article