Fabio I.M. Poppi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fabio I.M. Poppi plays a role.

This study contributes to a methodological debate within narrative studies, emerging from the specific context of narrative criminology. It examines the evolution of storytelling styles, focusing on how the narrative selection process shapes a narrative, thereby revealing both the origins of… read more
The practice of joint fantasizing concerns interacting participants’ collective construction of imaginary realities with internal consistency and coherence. Based on a corpus of conversations held by an informal Italian prayer community of elderly Catholic women, this contribution aims to show… read more
This paper reports the findings of a study on the mechanics of insult-retort adjacency pairs in Twitter interactions. The analysis concerns primarily the humorous retorts made by the pornographic entrepreneur Stormy Daniels, who has been pelted with politically-loaded misogynist insults, many of… read more
Poppi, Fabio I.M. and Sveinung Sandberg 2020 A bene placito*: Narratives of sex workNarrative Inquiry 30:2, pp. 294–315 | Article
Sex work is often interpreted through master narratives that see women as victimized and subjected to stigmas and negative attitudes. This paper offers an insight into narratives that challenge or can be seen as an alternative to these narratives. Data are from a sample of 15 interviews with… read more
In this article, we describe how antithesis and metaphoric conceptualization interact with each other and which rhetorical effects this interaction brings about. We illustrate this interaction with an analysis of seventeen graffiti artworks by Banksy, who uses the contraposition of visual… read more
In this article, I identify and describe multimodal hybrid metaphors—the conceptual representation of two elements represented as merged into a new single ‘gestalt’—represented by the machine and human body domains in “Tetsuo: The Iron Man” (鉄男: Tetsuo), a Japanese avant-garde film. Since… read more
Poppi, Fabio I.M. and Pietro Castelli Gattinara 2018  Aliud pro alio : Context and narratives within a neo-Nazi community of practiceJournal of Language and Politics 17:4, pp. 552–572 | Article
This article explores how narratives create connections between the micro-context and the macro-context, focusing on the narratives produced by a neo-Nazi group within ‘Blood and Honour’, a neo-Nazi gathering in Italy. The analysis presents a series of thematic narratives that describe how the… read more