Silvia Perpiñán

List of John Benjamins publications for which Silvia Perpiñán plays a role.


Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

The Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings

Edited by Tiffany Judy and Silvia Perpiñán

Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Perpiñán, Silvia and Silvina Montrul 2023 Does your regional variety help you acquire an additional language? Spanish differential object marking in Northern and Southern ItaliansStructural similarity across domains in third language acquisition, Kolb, Nadine, Natalia Mitrofanova and Marit Westergaard (eds.), pp. 663–692 | Article
This study investigates Differential Object Marking (DOM) in Italian speakers from two dialectal areas–North and South Italy–learning Spanish. Southern Italo-Romance varieties exhibit a DOM system through a-marking, like Spanish, whereas the Northern varieties, like Standard Italian, only allow… read more
Perpiñán, Silvia and Rafael Marín 2021 Chapter 10. Aspect in the acquisition of the Spanish locative paradigm by Italian L2 learnersRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2018: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 32, Utrecht, Drijkoningen, Frank, Sergio Baauw and Luisa Meroni (eds.), pp. 191–204 | Chapter
The present study investigates the development of the expression of the locative paradigm in the L2 Spanish of Italian-speaking learners. We investigate (i) whether the developmental stages proposed for English-speaking learners (VanPatten 1987; Perpiñán, Marín & Moreno Villamar 2020) hold for… read more
This study investigates the expression of Catalan clitics en and hi, which have no grammatical equivalent in Spanish, in the adult grammar of Catalan-Spanish early bilinguals. Participants (N = 57), born and raised in Catalonia, are divided into 3 groups according to their onset of acquisition… read more
Perpiñán, Silvia, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar and Adriana Soto-Corominas 2017 IntroductionRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11: Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario, Perpiñán, Silvia, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar and Adriana Soto-Corominas (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Chapter
Judy, Tiffany and Silvia Perpiñán 2015 Introduction: The importance of crosslinguistic comparison in the study of the acquisition of SpanishThe Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings, Judy, Tiffany and Silvia Perpiñán (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Perpiñán, Silvia 2015 The locative paradigm in the L2 Spanish of Catalan native speakersThe Acquisition of Spanish in Understudied Language Pairings, Judy, Tiffany and Silvia Perpiñán (eds.), pp. 105–132 | Article
This chapter explores the expression of locative and existential constructions in the Spanish of native speakers of Catalan (N = 20). Three (micro)parametric differences are investigated: the definiteness effect, the eventive effect, and the use of clitics. An oral production task (OPT) and an… read more
Perpiñán, Silvia 2013 Optionality in bilingual native grammarsFirst Language Attrition, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 127–156 | Article
This study investigates the vulnerability of mature native grammars at the interfaces in adult Spanish speakers who have been residing in the US for a mean period of five years but continue to use their L1 on a daily basis. Participants were tested on production and comprehension of subject-verb… read more
This chapter examines variability in L2 data and isolates two factors that have a significant impact on L2 performance: task modality and linguistic structure. A group of native speakers of Spanish and two groups of intermediate L2 Spanish learners (L1 English and L1 Arabic) completed an oral and a… read more
Perpiñán, Silvia 2011 Optionality in bilingual native grammarsFirst language attrition/L'attrition de la langue première, Schmid, Monika S. and Barbara Köpke (eds.), pp. 312–341 | Article
This study investigates the vulnerability of mature native grammars at the interfaces in adult Spanish speakers who have been residing in the US for a mean period of five years but continue to use their L1 on a daily basis. Participants were tested on production and comprehension of subject-verb… read more