Jennifer Cope
List of John Benjamins publications for which Jennifer Cope plays a role.
Quoting to persuade: A critical linguistic analysis of quoting in US, UK, and Australian newspaper opinion texts Linguistic Recycling: The process of quoting in increasingly mediatized settings, Haapanen, Lauri and Daniel Perrin (eds.), pp. 136–156 | Article
2020 This paper examines how quotations are linguistically constructed by expert contributors in US, UK, and Australian opinion texts, vis-à-vis their form, function, and processes. Cope’s (2016) study found that authoritative expert contributors integrated a considerable number of quotations on… read more
Chapter 3. Expressions of blame for the Global Financial Crisis in US, UK and Australian opinion texts Crisis and the Media: Narratives of crisis across cultural settings and media genres, Patrona, Marianna (ed.), pp. 59–84 | Chapter
2018 The Global Financial Crisis has had a devastating effect on many economies, with reverberations still being felt today. While the media has focused on the Crisis in affected regions, there is a surprising lack of research on the actual discourse used by key players to express blame and… read more