The Lexicon-Grammar, first developed at LADL (Laboratoire d’Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique, CNRS) by Maurice Gross and his team, is organised in a series of tables. Each table groups lexical items with related behaviour (in the structure of basic sentences, in the distribution of… read more
Classes of synonyms are typically established according to the criterion that the rest of the sentence in which they can alternate remains the same; that is, the structure does not change and the various elements remain in the same place. This approach recognises the synonymy between, for example,… read more
Summary The “Lexicon-grammar” of LADL describes about 15,000 simple verbs and 25,000 complex verbs, according to the syntactic, distributional or semantic properties of their main constructions. I present the types of properties that have been selected as the basis for the classification of these… read more