Matthias Bauer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Matthias Bauer plays a role.


Dimensions of Iconicity

Edited by Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 15] 2017. xiv, 351 pp.
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Bauer, Matthias and Saskia Brockmann 2017 The iconicity of literary analysis: The case of Logical FormDimensions of Iconicity, Zirker, Angelika, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 331–344 | Chapter
In this paper, we propose that the iconicity of Logical Form can help us evaluate the adequateness of an interpretation. We consider the relationship between iconicity, literary texts, formal semantic analysis and interpretation. With the help of an example taken from the poem “This was a Poet –”… read more
Zirker, Angelika and Matthias Bauer 2017 Introduction: Dimensions of iconicityDimensions of Iconicity, Zirker, Angelika, Matthias Bauer, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. xi–xiv | Miscellaneous
Bauer, Matthias 2010 Bunyan and the physiognomy of the Wor(l)dSignergy, Conradie, C. Jac, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer and Christina Ljungberg (eds.), pp. 193–210 | Article
In the “Apology” that prefaces The Pilgrim’s Progress, Bunyan defended himself against those who criticized him, on religious grounds, for the use of lively fictions by pointing out that the Bible itself is full of figurative elements. This is more than just a defence, however, for the Bible, to… read more
Bauer, Matthias 2003 “Vision and Prayer”: Dylan Thomas and the Power of XFrom Sign to Signing, Müller, Wolfgang G. and Olga Fischer, pp. 167–181 | Article
Bauer, Matthias 1999 Iconicity and Divine Likeness: George Herbert’s “Coloss. 3.3”Form Miming Meaning, Nänny, Max and Olga Fischer (eds.), pp. 215–234 | Article