José-Alvaro Porto Dapena

List of John Benjamins publications for which José-Alvaro Porto Dapena plays a role.


Dapena, José-Alvaro Porto 1986 Pasado y presente del ‘Diccionario de la construcción regimen de la lengue castellana’The History of Linguistics in Spain, Quilis Morales, Antonio and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 287–324 | Article
The vicissitudes of the Diccionario de construcción y régimen de la lengua castellana (DCR) constitutes an interesting chapter in the history of Spanish linguistics. Conceived in 1872 by Rufino José Cuervo (d.1911) and later continued, since 1949, by the Insitute Caro y Cuervo in Bogota,… read more