Christian Schwarz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christian Schwarz plays a role.


Schwarz, Christian 2020 Chapter 5. Reduction and persistence of phonological dialect features in GermanIntermediate Language Varieties: Koinai and regional standards in Europe, Cerruti, Massimo and Stavroula Tsiplakou (eds.), pp. 103–124 | Chapter
Like in most European speech communities, the loss of rural dialects and the emergence of regional varieties could also be observed within the German speaking area since at least the 19th century. Previous research on mechanisms influencing the selection process of dialect features was mainly… read more
In most of the German-speaking area the constellation of dialect and standard repertoires has changed from diglossic to diaglossic – a process that involves the disappearance of rural dialects and the transition towards the use of regional variants of the standard language. The description of… read more