Pieter Wellens

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pieter Wellens plays a role.


Wellens, Pieter and Martin Loetzsch 2012 Multi-dimensional meanings in lexicon formationExperiments in Cultural Language Evolution, Steels, Luc (ed.), pp. 143–166 | Article
This chapter introduces a language game experiment for studying the formation of a shared lexicon when word meanings are not restricted to a single domain, but instead consist of any combination of perceptual features from many different domains. The main difficulty for the language users… read more
Wellens, Pieter 2011 Organizing constructions in networksDesign Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar, Steels, Luc (ed.), pp. 181–202 | Article
Fluid Construction Grammar supports different ways to organize the inventory of constructions into networks. This is not just usable for descriptive purposes only. It plays an important role in streamlining the processes deciding which construction to consider first. Networks become increasingly… read more