Theo van Leeuwen

List of John Benjamins publications for which Theo van Leeuwen plays a role.



Multimodality, Politics and Ideology

Edited by David Machin and Theo van Leeuwen

Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 15:3 (2016) v, 126 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Leeuwen, Theo van 2021 Chapter 5. Ad-appting children’s storiesThe Pragmatics of Adaptability, Silva, Daniel N. and Jacob L. Mey (eds.), pp. 101–116 | Chapter
This chapter studies the multimedia adaptation of a classic children’s story, Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat. Mixing story-telling with instructional instrumentality and lacking an interactive relationship with the story-teller, the story loses the ‘enchantment’ which, Bettelheim has argued, makes… read more
Leeuwen, Theo van 2020 Gunther’s galleryLanguage, Context and Text 2:2, pp. 368–376 | Article
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2016 Multimodality, politics and ideologyMultimodality, Politics and Ideology, Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen (eds.), pp. 243–258 | Article
This journal’s editorial statement is clear that political discourse should be studied not only as regards parliamentary type politics. In this introduction we argue precisely for the need to pay increasing attention to the way that political ideologies are infused into culture more widely, in… read more
Leeuwen, Theo van 2009 Critical discourse analysisDiscourse, of Course: An overview of research in discourse studies, Renkema, Jan (ed.), pp. 277–292 | Article
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2007 Computer games as political discourse: The case of Black Hawk DownThe Soft Power of War, Chouliaraki, Lilie (ed.), pp. 109–128 | Article
The paper analyses how the March 1993 American intervention in Somalia is represented in the movie Black Hawk Down and the computer game of the same name. Using a discourse historical approach, the paper combines three methods: (1) analysis of the ‘special operations discourse’ that underlies both… read more
Leeuwen, Theo van 2006 Towards a semiotics of typographyInformation Design Journal 14:2, pp. 139–155 | Article
This article outlines a social semiotic approach to analysing the ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning potentials of letter forms, drawing on Jakobson’s distinctive feature analysis and Lakoff and Johnson’s theory of experiential metaphor. Distinctive features are recognized and applied to… read more
Leeuwen, Theo van 2005 Three models of interdisciplinarityA New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis: Theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity, Wodak, Ruth and Paul Chilton (eds.), pp. 3–18 | Article
Machin, David and Theo van Leeuwen 2005 Computer games as political discourse: The case of Black Hawk DownThe Soft Power of War: Legitimacy and community in Iraq war discourses, Chouliaraki, Lilie (ed.), pp. 119–141 | Article
The paper analyses how the March 1993 American intervention in Somalia is represented in the movie Black Hawk Down and the computer game of the same name. Using a discourse historical approach, the paper combines three methods: (1) analysis of the ‘special operations discourse’ that underlies both… read more
Leeuwen, Theo van 2003 A multimodal perspective on compositionFraming and Perspectivising in Discourse, Ensink, Titus and Christoph Sauer (eds.), pp. 23–61 | Article
Photography has a long history of (de-)legitimation of wars. In this paper we examine the visual rhetoric of two newspapers, the British Guardian and the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza in their representation of the Palestinian-Israeli war in October 2000. Although both newspapers have access to the same… read more
Caldas-Coulthard, Carmen Rosa and Theo van Leeuwen 2002 4. Stunning, shimmering, iridescent: Toys as the representation of gendered social actorsGender Identity and Discourse Analysis, Litosseliti, Lia and Jane Sunderland (eds.), pp. 91–108 | Article
Leeuwen, Theo van 1987 Generic strategies in press journalismAustralian Applied Language Studies, McNamara, Tim F. (ed.), pp. 199–220 | Article
This paper proposes a three-tiered approach to genre analysis. A system of generic stages is derived from configurations of options from the systems of transitivity, mood, theme, conjunction, reference and tense. Generic structures, motivated by context-specific generic strategies, are, in turn,… read more