Ene Vainik

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ene Vainik plays a role.


Vainik, Ene 2017 Multiplicity of motivation behind dynamic descriptions of emotion in EstonianEmotions across Languages and Cultures, Athanasiadou, Angeliki and Ad Foolen (eds.), pp. 73–99 | Article
The rich variety of emotion descriptions in terms of motion verbs found in standard Estonian was studied in respect of their general motivation and some specific motivating factors, such as conceptual structures and cognitive mechanisms. The possibilities of being a relatively late cultural loan… read more
This study applies cognitive metaphor and metonymy theory to Estonian descriptions of emotion that reference body parts. Body parts like the chest and heart are conceptualized as containers for emotion. More common is the figurative exploitation of the dynamic, changeable parts of the head, in… read more