In this article, we examine diachronically the use of two central and frequent epistemic particles, vist ‘perhaps, probably’ and kindlasti ‘definitely, certainly’, in written texts in Estonian from the 16th century to the present day. Currently, these particles convey various degrees of the… read more
The article analyzes the frequency of downtoners and intensifiers in seven Estonian registers based on data from the Estonian Pragmatics Corpus. These particles are most common in instant messaging, followed by institutional interaction, everyday conversation, online comments, printed fiction,… read more
This issue focuses on a little-studied aspect of (inter)subjectivity (S/ IS) in language: the expression of S/ IS in different registers. In the introduction, we overview the background and approach, describe the central registers in connection with using S/ IS devices, and correlate the choice… read more
The object has two variants in Estonian: partial object (in partitive, the functionally unmarked variant) and total object (in genitive or nominative). We examine the variation in object case in Estonian texts from the 17th to the 20th century, focusing on the 19th century and regarding this… read more
The paper presents an overview of the development of the Estonian take + Vinf1 construction from runic songs to modern Estonian, with an emphasis on the study of Old Written Estonian. Proceeding from construction grammar, grammaticalization theory and statistical corpus analysis we discuss three… read more