Ana Ostroški Anić

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ana Ostroški Anić plays a role.


Despot, Kristina Š., Mirjana Tonković, Mario Essert, Mario Brdar, Benedikt Perak, Ana Ostroški Anić, Bruno Nahod and Ivan Pandžić 2019 Chapter 5. MetaNet.HR: Croatian metaphor repositoryMetaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, Bolognesi, Marianna, Mario Brdar and Kristina Š. Despot (eds.), pp. 123–146 | Chapter
This paper describes the theoretical background, methodology, tasks, results, and challenges of the MetaNet.HR (Croatian Metaphor Repository) project. It combines a theory-driven introspective top-down approach that analyzes the system of conceptual metaphors in the Croatian language (following the… read more
Vuletić, Lea, Stjepan Špalj, Kristina Peroš, Hrvoje Jakovac, Ana Ostroški Anić and Marin Vodanović 2017 Assessing the influence of the English language on the professional vocabulary of Croatian dental students by analysing their word choice for the translation of medical/dental termsTerminology 23:2, pp. 181–206 | Article
This study was performed to investigate the influence of the English language on the medical/dental terminology of Croatian dental students. It emerged from the terminological projects of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb that had been conducted as a part of the national… read more