Stefan Grondelaers
List of John Benjamins publications for which Stefan Grondelaers plays a role.
Is Moroccan-flavoured Standard Dutch standard or not? On the use of perceptual criteria to determine the limits of standard languages Responses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes, Prikhodkine, Alexei and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. 191–218 | Article
2015 In view of the fact that Netherlandic Standard Dutch has been found to be stratifying – i.e. incorporating regional accent variation to allow speakers to profile local group membership in addition to their national affiliation – an evident question is whether non-Dutch accents are also tolerated in… read more
Got class? Community-shared conceptualizations of social class in evaluative reactions to sociolinguistic variables Responses to Language Varieties: Variability, processes and outcomes, Prikhodkine, Alexei and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. 159–174 | Article
2015 In recent years, researchers have successfully used information about cultural identity and consumption behavior to uncover class-based variation in linguistic production data. Is this variation reflected in implicit class-related language attitudes, of which listeners may not even be aware? And… read more
Where is Dutch (really) heading? The classroom consequences of destandardization Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 1:1, pp. 41–58 | Article
2012 Like other European standard languages, Dutch is currently undergoing destandardization processes which excite concern on the part of the linguistic and cultural establishment, and inspire uncertainty in school teachers of Dutch. In the face of the progressing variability in a variety which should… read more