Danièle Van de Velde
List of John Benjamins publications for which Danièle Van de Velde plays a role.
Chapter 9. Is the French verb manquer ‘lack, miss’ a negative existential predicate? Existential Constructions across Languages: Forms, meanings and functions, Sarda, Laure and Ludovica Lena (eds.), pp. 284–300 | Chapter
2023 This study treats French existential manquer ‘to lack’ as a positive predicate. I identify two syntactic constructions: a “locative alternating” one and an impersonal one (with a personal variant). I argue that the argument determiner constraints of manquer in the first construction can be… read more
Adjectifs d’évaluation de comportement Lingvisticæ Investigationes 36:1, pp. 20–55 | Article
2013 The article proposes a unified analysis of Behavior Evaluation Adjectives (BEA), like gentil ‘kind’ or prudent ‘wise’, whether the quality expressed is attributed to a human subject (Tu es vraiment gentil de nous aider ‘You are really kind to help us’) or to his/her behavior (Nous aider est… read more