Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz plays a role.


The Continuity of Linguistic Change: Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda

Edited by Matilde Vida-Castro and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz

[Studies in Language Variation, 31] 2024. ix, 194 pp.
Subjects Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Language Variation - European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017

Edited by Juan-Andrés Villena-Ponsoda, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro

[Studies in Language Variation, 22] 2019. ix, 248 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics
Vida-Castro, Matilde and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz 2024 IntroductionThe Continuity of Linguistic Change: Selected papers in honour of Juan Andrés Villena-Ponsoda, Vida-Castro, Matilde and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Chapter
El español hablado en la ciudad de Málaga puede representarse en la actualidad mediante un modelo teórico fiable y compacto gracias a los diversos trabajos que desde hace más de veinticinco años se han encargado de describir, analizar y explicar esta variedad lingüística del sur de España… read more
Este trabajo muestra los resultados de los análisis de los efectos que ejercen las variables estratificacionales y personales sobre un conjunto de variables léxicas obtenidas a partir de un muestreo basado en pruebas de disponibilidad léxica. Apoyados en una herramienta semiautomática de… read more
Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro 2019 PrefaceLanguage Variation - European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017, Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro (eds.), pp. vii–x | Preface
Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro 2019 IntroductionLanguage Variation - European Perspectives VII: Selected papers from the Ninth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 9), Malaga, June 2017, Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés, Francisco Díaz Montesinos, Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz and Matilde Vida-Castro (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Chapter
The aim of this paper is to show an original method of calculating individual lexical richness. This method leads to a non-linear optimization. A randomized algorithm, Simulated Annealing, is used in order to carry out the optimization. This procedure has allowed us to represent a function from… read more
Villena-Ponsoda, Juan-Andrés and Antonio Manuel Ávila-Muñoz 2014 Dialect stability and divergence in southern Spain: Social and personal motivationsStability and Divergence in Language Contact: Factors and Mechanisms, Braunmüller, Kurt, Steffen Höder and Karoline Kühl (eds.), pp. 207–238 | Article
The aim of this paper is to show how social stratification and small-scale variables such as social network and social history, interact in explaining why lowprestige dialect use persists in spite of the current urban middle-class trends of convergence towards either the national or the regional… read more
Prototype Theory offers one of the most accepted models for semantic memory organization. Lexical availability trials provide investigators with a faster and easier means of observing this cognitive organization, since lists of available lexicon are generated from associations relating some… read more