Antoinina Bevan Zlatar

List of John Benjamins publications for which Antoinina Bevan Zlatar plays a role.


Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century: Essays for Allen Reddick

Edited by Antoinina Bevan Zlatar, Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga Timofeeva

Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies


Bevan Zlatar, Antoinina 2021 Words, books, images, and the long eighteenth century: Essays for Allen ReddickWords, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century: Essays for Allen Reddick, Bevan Zlatar, Antoinina, Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga Timofeeva (eds.), pp. 1–15 | Introduction
Bevan Zlatar, Antoinina 2021 “The pretious life-blood of a master spirit”: Thomas Hollis and the spirit and body of John MiltonWords, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century: Essays for Allen Reddick, Bevan Zlatar, Antoinina, Mark Ittensohn, Enit Karafili Steiner and Olga Timofeeva (eds.), pp. 121–149 | Chapter