Lotta Aunio

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lotta Aunio plays a role.


Bernander, Rasmus, Antti Laine, Tim Roth and Lotta Aunio 2023 Chapter 3. - maɾa in Mara: On the ongoing grammaticalization(s) of a Bantu ‘finish’ verbDifferent Slants on Grammaticalization, Hancil, Sylvie and Vittorio Tantucci (eds.), pp. 74–102 | Chapter
This study accounts for the grammaticalization of the verb -maɾa ‘finish’ in the language varieties of the Western Serengeti branch of the Mara subgroup of Eastern Bantu. In these varieties, -maɾa is found in two different auxiliary verb constructions marking the two interrelated Phasal Polarity… read more
Aunio, Lotta 2017 Chapter 12. Syllable weight and tone in Mara Bantu languagesSyllable Weight in African Languages, Newman, Paul (ed.), pp. 191–214 | Chapter