Sam Hellmuth

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sam Hellmuth plays a role.

Book series



Despite an abundance of research on Arabic syntax and phonology as separate domains, there is as yet relatively little research at the syntax-phonology interface in Arabic. This paper begins by providing an overview of what we know so far, in an effort to identify reasons for the lack of work at… read more
This paper provides a first description of the intonational patterns of San‘aani Arabic (sa, the dialect of Arabic spoken in the capital of Yemen) and a comparison of these patterns with those observed in Cairene Arabic (ca), revealing differences between the two varieties which mirror… read more
Hellmuth, Sam 2011 Acoustic cues to focus and givenness in Egyptian ArabicInstrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics, Hassan, Zeki Majeed and Barry Heselwood (eds.), pp. 301–324 | Article
Hellmuth (2009) showed that contrastively focussed items are realised in an expanded pitch range in Egyptian Arabic (EA), whereas items following such a focus are realised in a compressed pitch range (cf. Norlin 1989 for EA, and Chahal 2001 for Lebanese Arabic). No equivalent variation in F0… read more