Joan Leopold

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joan Leopold plays a role.


Subjects Bibliographies in linguistics | History of linguistics
This article, a successor to the author’s 2002 “Steinthal and Max Müller: Comparative Lives”, attempts to situate the Semiticist and ‘Orientalist’ Ernest Renan in a nexus between the poles represented by Heymann Steinthal (1823–1899) and Friedrich Max Müller (1823–1900). Renan can be viewed as… read more
Leopold, Joan 1999 'Orientalism' and the development of the Volney Prize in LinguisticsHistory of Linguistics 1996: Volume 2: From Classical to Contemporary Linguistics, Cram, David, Andrew R. Linn and Elke Nowak (eds.), pp. 257–266 | Chapter
Leopold, Joan 1983 Collaborative editing of linguistic prize essaysHistoriographia Linguistica 10:3, pp. 373–374 | Miscellaneous