Torsten Leuschner

List of John Benjamins publications for which Torsten Leuschner plays a role.


Anglo-German Discourse Crossings and Contrasts

Edited by Sylvia Jaworska and Torsten Leuschner

Special issue of Pragmatics and Society 9:1 (2018) vi, 172 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Grammaticalization and Language Change: New reflections

Edited by Kristin Davidse, Tine Breban, Lieselotte Brems and Tanja Mortelmans

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 130] 2012. viii, 342 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Vander Haegen, Flor, Tom Bossuyt and Torsten Leuschner 2022 Emerging into your family of constructions: German [IRR was] ‘no matter what’Variation and Grammaticalization of Verbal Constructions, Czicza, Dániel and Gabriele Diewald (eds.), pp. 150–180 | Article
Starting from the term “family of constructions”, the present article investigates lexical and syntactic variation in a subtype of German concessive conditionals which is marked by was (‘what’) in combination with expressions of irrelevance like egal (‘no matter’). 12,894 examples from the DeReKo… read more
Leuschner, Torsten 2020 Concessive conditionals as a family of constructionsThe Wealth and Breadth of Construction-Based Research, Colleman, Timothy, Frank Brisard, Astrid De Wit, Renata Enghels, Nikos Koutsoukos, Tanja Mortelmans and María Sol Sansiñena (eds.), pp. 235–247 | Article
This squib sketches an approach to concessive conditionals (CCs) from the perspective of Radical Construction Grammar (Croft 2001). It brings earlier functional-typological work on CCs to bear on language-particular constructionist analyses of CCs, using the notions of ‘family (of constructions)’… read more
Battefeld, Malte, Torsten Leuschner and Gudrun Rawoens 2018 Chapter 9. Evaluative morphology in German, Dutch and Swedish: Constructional networks and the loci of changeCategory Change from a Constructional Perspective, Van Goethem, Kristel, Muriel Norde, Evie Coussé and Gudrun Vanderbauwhede (eds.), pp. 229–262 | Chapter
The separation or ‘debonding’ of prefixoids in informal language use in Germanic and the question whether spelling reflects re-categorization of such compound members as adjectives have recently been attracting increased attention among linguists. This contribution focuses on category changes… read more
Jaworska, Sylvia and Torsten Leuschner 2018 Crossing languages – crossing discourses: A corpus-assisted study of Kulturkampf in German, Polish and EnglishAnglo-German Discourse Crossings and Contrasts, Jaworska, Sylvia and Torsten Leuschner (eds.), pp. 117–147 | Article
Recent studies concerned with historical Germanisms have shown that public discourses in other languages often appropriate German loanwords as frames of reference to interpret political realities and influence collective attitudes. This paper intends to contribute to this new strand of research… read more
Leuschner, Torsten and Sylvia Jaworska 2018 Introduction: Anglo-German discourse crossings and contrastsAnglo-German Discourse Crossings and Contrasts, Jaworska, Sylvia and Torsten Leuschner (eds.), pp. 2–7 | Introduction
This chapter discusses the alleged emergence of verb-first (V1) conditionals in English and German from question-driven fictive interaction of the type A: p? (B: Yes.) A: Then q. Since this scenario proves impossible to maintain with regard to English, an alternative model is proposed treating V1… read more
Leuschner, Torsten and Daan Van den Nest 2015 Asynchronous grammaticalization: V1-conditionals in present-day English and GermanContrasting contrastive approaches, Defrancq, Bart (ed.), pp. 34–64 | Article
The present paper contrasts verb-first (V1-) conditionals in written usage in present-day English and German. Based on the hypothesis that V1-protases originated in independent interrogatives and then grammaticalized as conditional subordinate clauses in an asynchronous fashion in both languages,… read more
Leuschner, Torsten and Daan Van den Nest 2012 Emergent correlative concessivity: The case of German zwar… aber ‘true … but’Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Grammatical Structure, Defrancq, Bart, Gudrun Rawoens and Els Tobback (eds.), pp. 116–142 | Article
While concessives are well-known for their special semantic characteristics, most research has so far been oriented towards hypotactic construction types (although etc.). The present article seeks to complement this trend by investigating the paratactic zwar … aber-construction in German (roughly… read more
Leuschner, Torsten 2008 From speech-situation evocation to hypotaxis: The case of Latin quamvis 'although'Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Grammaticalization, Seoane, Elena and María José López-Couso (eds.), pp. 231–252 | Article
Leuschner, Torsten 2004 Richard Böckh (1824–1907): Sprachenstatistik zwischen Nationalitätsprinzip und NationalstaatLinguistica Berolinensia, Fögen, Thorsten and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 389–421 | Article
Gegenstand des vorliegenden Aufsatzes ist das sprachenstatistische und nationalitätenpolitische Werk des preußischen Statistikers Richard Böckh (1824–1907), insbesondere der Aufsatz “Über die statistische Bedeutung der Volksprache” (1866), in dem Böckh die Ansicht vertritt, allein die Sprache… read more
Leuschner, Torsten 1998 At the Boundaries of Grammaticalization: What Interrogatives Are Doing in Concessive ConditionalsThe Limits of Grammaticalization, Giacalone Ramat, Anna and Paul J. Hopper (eds.), pp. 159–187 | Article