Josef Bayer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Josef Bayer plays a role.

Book series


Discourse-oriented Syntax

Edited by Josef Bayer, Roland Hinterhölzl and Andreas Trotzke

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 226] 2015. v, 253 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Generative linguistics | Pragmatics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Linguistic Theory and South Asian Languages: Essays in honour of K. A. Jayaseelan

Edited by Josef Bayer, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and M.T. Hany Babu

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 102] 2007. x, 282 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Broekhuis, Hans and Josef Bayer 2020 Clausal ellipsis: Deletion or selective spell-out?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2020, Tribushinina, Elena and Mark Dingemanse (eds.), pp. 23–37 | Article
This article compares two alternatives to the standard movement-and-deletion approach to clausal ellipsis, which postulates deletion of TP after the remnants of ellipsis are (sometimes exceptionally) A′-moved into the left periphery of the clause. One alternative is the in-situ approach, which… read more
Bayer, Josef and Andreas Trotzke 2015 The derivation and interpretation of left peripheral discourse particlesDiscourse-oriented Syntax, Bayer, Josef, Roland Hinterhölzl and Andreas Trotzke (eds.), pp. 13–40 | Article
German discourse particles are known to appear in clause-medial position and to resist displacement to the left or to the right. Nevertheless, there seems to be an exception: discourse particles in interrogatives can be moved to the left as a consequence of forming a constituent with a wh-phrase.… read more
Bayer, Josef, Roland Hinterhölzl and Andreas Trotzke 2015 Issues in discourse-oriented syntaxDiscourse-oriented Syntax, Bayer, Josef, Roland Hinterhölzl and Andreas Trotzke (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
Bayer, Josef 2014 Syntactic and phonological properties of wh-operators and wh-movement in BavarianBavarian Syntax: Contributions to the theory of syntax, Grewendorf, Günther and Helmut Weiß (eds.), pp. 23–50 | Article
Wh-movement is less uniform than suggested by the standard theory of generative grammar. Bavarian provides evidence that word-size wh-operators have syntactic as well as phonological properties of functional heads rather than genuine phrases. At the core of the analysis is the intuition that… read more
Bayer, Josef 2010 Wh-drop and recoverabilityStructure Preserved: Studies in syntax for Jan Koster, Zwart, Jan-Wouter and Mark de Vries (eds.), pp. 31–40 | Article
Bayer, Josef, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and M.T. Hany Babu 2007 IntroductionLinguistic Theory and South Asian Languages: Essays in honour of K. A. Jayaseelan, Bayer, Josef, Tanmoy Bhattacharya and M.T. Hany Babu (eds.), pp. 1–11 | Article
Bayer, Josef, Tanja Schmid and Markus Bader 2005 Clause Union and Clausal PositionThe Function of Function Words and Functional Categories, Dikken, Marcel den and Christina Tortora (eds.), pp. 79–113 | Article
Bayer, Josef 2004 3. Non-nominative subjects in comparisonNon-nominative Subjects: Volume 1, Bhaskararao, Peri and Karumuri V. Subbarao (eds.), pp. 49–76 | Chapter
Bayer, Josef 1999 Bound Focus or How can Association with Focus be Achieved without Going Semantically Astray?The Grammar of Focus, Rebuschi, Georges and Laurice Tuller (eds.), pp. 55–82 | Article
Bayer, Josef 1997 CP-Extraposition as Argument ShiftRightward Movement, Beermann, Dorothee, David LeBlanc and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), pp. 37–58 | Article
Bayer, Josef 1990 Interpretive Islands: Evidence for Connectedness and Global Harmony in Logical formScrambling and Barriers, Grewendorf, Günther and Wolfgang Sternefeld (eds.), pp. 341–422 | Article
Bayer, Josef 1986 The Role of Event Expression in GrammarStudies in Language 10:1, pp. 1–52 | Article
Bayer, Josef 1986 Review of Safir (1985): Studies in Language 10:1, pp. 167–185 | Review